Tutoring Enrollment

Our enrollment process is easy and straightforward. Simply fill out the student information questionnaire, schedule a meeting with GMT, set up your plan and payment, and you’re ready to start. We handle the rest, making sure you receive timely reminders and support throughout your tutoring journey.

Enrollment Process

  1. Fill out the student information questionnaire.
  2. Schedule a meeting with GMT – preferably in person – to discuss your tutoring needs.
  3. Establish subjects, a plan, meeting time(s), and payment process. Options include:
    • Base Rate: $75 per paired session for Walk-Ins
    • Test Drive: $120 for two sessions to sample our services
    • 5 Block: 5 sessions to be used within one month – $350
    • 10 Block: 10 sessions to be used within two months – $700
    • StudyPro Rates (Paired Sessions):
      • Once a Week: $65 per session (20 sessions per semester) – $260/month or $1,300 for the semester
      • Twice a Week: $60 per session (40 sessions per semester) – $480/month or $2,400 for the semester
    • StudyElite Rates (Private Sessions):
      • Once a Week: $100 per session (20 sessions per semester) – $400/month or $2,000 for the semester
      • Twice a Week: $80 per session (40 sessions per semester) – $640/month or $3,200 for the semester
    • SAT/ACT 10-Week Course: $1,200 (includes review textbooks and handouts)
    • Home School Rates: Call for details.
  4. E-Sign the Tutoring Agreement, including the Rate Guarantee Conditions and Guidelines.
  5. Submit payment.
  6. Set the first session!
  7. Look for email and text reminders of sessions and news from GMT.

Rate Guarantee

The rates your student starts at with GMT are the rates paid as long as they require our services AND their siblings. New students are enrolled at the CURRENT rates. This is our written guarantee to you! Some students have enjoyed the same rates since we opened in 2017.


We have established guidelines to ensure the best tutoring experience. All students must read and sign these guidelines before starting sessions.


Refunds are handled on a case-by-case basis. Life happens, but refunds are rarely granted and subject to our Tutoring Agreement.

Failure to Pay

Late payments are subject to a $50/week fee, up to $200/month. If unpaid after four weeks, the student is dropped from tutoring, and the full amount is reported to credit agencies with recovery/interest fees added.

Holidays and Breaks

We follow Gwinnett County School calendars for major breaks: – **Fall:** Closed for Thanksgiving and Christmas. – **Spring:** Closed for Spring Break. We are in session during Teacher Work Days, Digital Learning Days, and minor holidays.

The links below are required documents that you can print and bring with you to your first tutoring session.

Business Hours

FRIDAY                          12:00PM - 6:00PM
Gwinnett Math Tutoring is closed for Gwinnett County Schools major breaks.
Call or text at anytime!

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