Tutoring Enrollment

Our enrollment process is easy and straightforward. Simply fill out the student information questionnaire, schedule a meeting with GMT, set up your plan and payment, and you’re ready to start. We handle the rest, making sure you receive timely reminders and support throughout your tutoring journey.

Enrollment Process

  1. Fill out the student information questionnaire.
  2. Schedule a meeting with GMT – preferably in person – to discuss your tutoring needs.
  3. Establish subjects, a plan, meeting time(s), and payment process (monthly or one payment per semester).
  4. E-Sign the Tutoring Agreement including the Rate Guarantee Conditions and Guidelines.
  5. Submit payment.
  6. Set the first session!
  7. Look for email and text reminders of sessions and news from GMT.

Rates and Services – for more information, refer to your individual Tutoring Agreement document.

Rate Guarantee

The rates your student starts at with GMT are the rates paid as long as they require our services AND their siblings. New students are enrolled at the CURRENT rates. Our written guarantee to you. We have students paying a rate established since we opened in 2017!

Current rates as of July 2024 are:

  • Subject tutoring: Paired one-hour sessions are offered in blocks:
    • 5 Block – five (5) sessions for $60 a session – $300
    • 10 Block – ten (10) sessions for $60 a session – $600
  • The Five and Ten Blocks are usually established for SAT / ACT review, and for a partial semester.
  • 20 Block – twenty (20) sessions, ONCE a Week Sessions for $55 a session – $1100 per semester (five months) or $220 per month due on the first day of each month, late on the 5th and subject to a $50 per week late fee.
    • Locked in times and days for the entire semester. Ie: Tuesday at 7:30 with Mr. Victor
  • 40 Block – forty (40) sessions, TWICE a Week Sessions for $45 a session – $1800 per semester (five months) or $360 per month due on the first day of each month, late on the 5th and subject to a $50 per week late fee.
    • Locked in times and days for the entire semester. Ie: Tuesday at 7:30 with Mr. Victor
  • Our greatest discount, as twice a week produces the most positive results.
  • All 20 and 40 blocks may be purchased in partial blocks to fill out a semester for shorter than 5 months.

Add on sessions and FINAL EXAM REVIEWS for ANY 20 or 40 block Student, and Promotional sessions during Final Exam Review Sessions are $50. These are sessions in addition to the purchased 20 or 40 sessions scheduled the last two weeks of school each semester and for AP Classes review. We make ourselves available these critical weekends to help students during the stressful “I’ve got to pass this class” moments.

Private sessions: are a flat $100 per session once a week, $80 per session twice a week.

SUMMER sessions: are always private sessions at $60 per session.

NOTE: ALL sessions must be used during the CURRENT SEMESTER; there are NO REFUNDS, and NO Carrying them over to the next semester OR “SHARING” sessions between siblings. NO EXCEPTIONS

SAT / ACT; ASVAB review – 5 or 10 block rates plus books (sold at cost) to be completed in the next 90 days max to prepare for the tests. We heartily recommend 60 days preparation for these very important tests.

MCAT/LSAT/GRE/GMAT reviews are custom number of sessions as needed for the individual student. These tests can require up to six months of review for maximum performance.


We have established Guidelines for Students while in tutoring to ensure the best possible tutoring experience. All students are expected to read and sign the Guidelines before sessions begin. Download a copy here:

We bill through Intuit Services via emailed invoices. We do NOT see your information, nor you ours. We do NOT keep any information onsite, OR cash for your safety and the safety of our tutors, employees, and students.


Refunds are rare for us; and taken on a case by case basis. We understand that life situations can change, but have found arbitrary and frivolous reasons for refunds are a poor reflection on the student’s learning environment, and thus frowned upon. This is why we have a Tutoring Agreement for both GMT and the Parents/Legal Guardian to mutually agree upon and sign BEFORE tutoring begins.

Failure to Pay

Failure to Pay is handled first by late fees of $50 after the fifth of each month PER WEEK, up to $200 per Month. If payment is NOT received in 4 weeks, the student will be dropped from tutoring, and the FULL amount will be reported to the Credit Reporting agencies with a recovery/interest fee added.

Holidays and Breaks

Because we help with multiple schools across 4 (yes four) counties, we have set rules for closing during the semesters. We have adopted our closings loosely based on Gwinnett County Schools:

Fall: we are closed ONLY “Fall Break” – that is over the Thanksgiving Holiday and “Holiday Break” that is over the Christmas Holiday.

Spring: We are closed ONLY for “Spring Break”.

We do NOT close for Teacher Work Days, Digital Learning Days, or random State or National Holidays outside these breaks. ALL OTHER REGULAR WEEKDAYS we are in session as the teachers often assign extra work and/or have tests right after “breaks” the students need assistance with. If your student needs the time off, simply reschedule the session for a time within 30 days to not be charged for a missed session.

The links below are required documents that you can print and bring with you to your first tutoring session.

Business Hours

FRIDAY                          12:00PM - 6:00PM
Gwinnett Math Tutoring is closed for Gwinnett County Schools major breaks.
Call or text at anytime!

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